All consultations are by appointment
Confirmation of Practice Opening and Appointment Times
Monday to Friday 08:00 to 19:00
We have a wide selection of appointments with both GPs and nurses throughout our opening times.
We also offer some extended hours appointments* with a doctor and/or nurse as follows:
Monday 18:30 to 19:30
Tuesday 07:30 to 08:00
Wednesday 18:30 to 19:30
Thursday 07:30 to 08:00
* Patients attending extended hours appointments with the doctor or nurse before or after normal opening hours will be buzzed in by intercom at the front door by relevant reception staff. This is to maintain security to the building as a whole for all providers outside normal working hours.
Routine Appointments
If you would like to book an appointment you can telephone the surgery, call in at reception or use our online appointment booking service. Once registered for the online service you can book and cancel appointments even when the surgery is closed. Ask at reception to register for the service. If you have booked an appointment please arrive and check in (using the touch screen) in good time to see the doctor. If you have booked an appointment but feel better, or you cannot attend, please contact us or use the online service to cancel the appointment. We can then offer your time to another person.
Please note the online service is for the booking of single routine appointments with the doctor only. It is not possible to use the online service to make urgent appointments on the day with the duty doctor or for any services that require double appointments or assistance from the nurse such as coil fittings, implants, smears, etc. If you are unsure whether you can use the online service please speak to the practice first.
Click the image below to book and cancel appointments, order repeat prescriptions or check your medical records online once you have registered.
Emergency Appointments
If you feel that you have an urgent need on the day please ring us as early as possible on that day. You may be referred to the telephone triage service and a Clinician will call you back to discuss the issue. If they feel it's necessary they will offer you an emergency appointment later that day but you may not necessarily be seen by the doctor of choice and you will be expected to attend when they ask you to. Please CLICK HERE for more information on what constitutes an emergency appointment and CLICK HERE for an explanation on the process we are currently adopting which is under regular review.
In cases of extreme urgency, for example suspected heart attacks, severe shortness of breath or acute abdominal pain you may be advised to go directly to the local Accident and emergency department. The nearest unit for adults and children is open 24 hours a day and is located at:
St Helier Hospital
Wrythe Lane
Tel: 020 8296 2000
For such emergencies it may be appropriate to consider dialling 999.