Early Detection of Bowel Cancer
About one in 20 people in the UK will develop bowel cancer during their lifetime with the risk increasing with age. If bowel cancer is detected at the earliest stage, there is over a 90% chance of survival and it is one of the most successful cancers to treat. Symptoms include;
- A change in your normal bowel habit lasting 3 weeks or more. E.g. loose stools, diarrhoea, increased frequency
- Bleeding from the bottom (rectum) and/or blood in your stools lasting 3 weeks or more
- Unexplained extreme tiredness and/or unexplained weight loss
- A pain or lump in your abdomen and/or back passage
Most symptoms won’t be bowel cancer but sometimes it is easy to dismiss or to leave them unchecked for longer than you should. If you have had any of these symptoms and are over 50, call and ask for an appointment with the doctor.
For further information, go to www.bowelcanceruk.org.uk or visit www.swlcn.nhs.uk