See below for various useful links and information around self care:
Suicide Support - a new website offering support to people at risk of suicide
Smoking Cessation And Support In Sutton
Please see HERE for a map of Sutton pharmacies providing smoking cessation services
NHSGo Mobile App for Young People Aged 16-24 yrs
This app contains sections specifically tailored to young people’s health needs, such as sexual health, mental health, sleep, smoking, drugs and alcohol. NHSGo is free to download from Apple and Google play stores.
Talk Off The Record
Information, help and advice for young people, their carers and parents in Sutton (
This website has been redesigned and provides information on local services and advice for young people in South West London on sexual health, mental health, drugs, alcohol and relationship issues.
Health Help Now
Health Help Now is a ground-breaking web app that helps people find the right local health services to meet their health needs, especially when they need medical help fast but it is not a life-threatening emergency. It is available both in app form on Android and Apple, and online ( The app and website have been designed to help people check their symptoms and find the best place for treatment – showing which services near you are open. It will you to know when to go to A&E, and when not to. The information has been developed with the input of clinicians and includes advice about how you can treat yourselves at home for minor illnesses and injuries. After clicking on an age group, symptoms and location, you are given options for treatment with the most suitable listed first.
Download the app and give it a go. Also see here for the advert.
South London Pharmacies
Please see here for details of opening hours for all South London Pharmacies
When Should I Worry
Your guide to coughs, colds, earache and sore throats can be downloaded here.
End Of Life Care And Bereavement Support
Please see here for more information, useful links and support.
Urgent Referrals
Please see further information here about urgent referrals and why they are made.
Going On Holiday With Medicines
Please see this poster for more information about travelling with medication.
Drug Driving Rules
There are new drug driving rules in England and Wales from 2nd March 2015. Please see this leaflet for more information.
School Absences
If your child is absent from school and the school is asking you to get a doctors note for the absence please see this letter below which we would be grateful if you could please share with the school. This letter is also available in hard copy from reception.
Letter to Headteacher
Pharmacy Minor Ailments Service
Some local pharmacies offer a very useful minor ailments service, CLICK HERE to see full details of which pharmacies provide this service and what you can consult with them on. They can also prescribe in relation to these conditions within this service.
Ear Drops Leaflet
How To Use Ear Drops Prior To Ear Irrigation (.rtf)
Antibiotic Information
Antibiotic Information Leaflet (.pdf)
Occupational Health Services
Please note that your GP practice does not provide occupational health related services under its contract with the NHS. Your employer (or future employer) has a legal responsibility to provide a safe working environment. Employers should undertake a risk assessment and arrange protection for employees, including where necessary, any vaccinations. If an assessment reveals a risk, the employer has a duty to act and should make arrangements with a suitably qualified medical service to meet the relevant obligations. The GP practice is not fully aware of the situation and hazards in your workplace and does not have occupational expertise to advise on the risks involved. It is, therefore, inappropriate for them to provide the relevant risk assessment and any treatment/vaccinations and the NHS does not fund the cost of vaccinations for employment purposes. Please pass this letter attached HERE to your employer should you need to do so.
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
See the link here to a leaflet with more information
Patient Fact Sheets
Children's Services & Information
SMP childrens services and useful info ;(.doc)
Pregnancy and childhood vaccination reminders (.docx)
Sutton Children’s Services - new website re-launch please go to
Age UK Sutton
Please see here for information on the services available and also below a link to the referral page of their website.
Age UK Sutton - Caring Neighbour Scheme
The caring neighbour scheme is offered to residents in Sutton aged 65+ and is aimed at supporting older people to stay warm and well in winter and cool and hydrated in summer from the provision of various services.
- Twice weekly reassurance calls
- Information and advice on how to stay warm and well in winter and cool and hydrated in summer
- Support to build independence to complete tasks e.g. accompanying people on a shopping trip
- Referral to appropriate chargeable and non-chargeable services to promote independence e.g. low level practical support with cleaning, shopping and light meal preparation
- Development of social confidence and reduction of isolation by connection to befrienders and social opportunities
- A fast track emergency shopping service in extreme weather conditions
- Local campaigns raising awareness of the importance of keeping warm and well in winter and cool and hydrated in summer
- Emergency support from Age UK Sutton and other services offered by voluntary providers
To find out more tel 02087704089 or email